Halloween Healing: Unmasking the Power Within - Social Event


We are not afraid of you, ALL of you. At Texoma Specialty Counseling we really enjoy embracing the shadow and believe leaning into your shadow can help you be a better you! And we LOVE Halloween, and we wanted a reason to celebrate with you. 

Come hang and let your weird self out in the safe company of other weirdos. We will be having a chill happy hour, weird movies playing in the background, snacks, and weird story time. We ask that you jot your weird-themed story down in a text or an email, so we can anonymously read them aloud during weird story time. TSC tends to attract cool, weird people in the community, and we want all the cool, weird people to know you and what you’re all about! 


You are invited to Halloween Healing: Unmasking the Power Within Social

Do you ever feel:

  • like you have trouble relating to others in your community

  • lonely

  • misunderstood

  • unable to be your true self

  • like others just don’t think like you

  • that your feelings matter and you want a place feel and be yourself without judgment?

Halloween Healing: Unmasking the Power With Social: Embrace the Spooky Halloween Vibe and Heal Your Inner Self

You bring your weirdest self and we will set a vibe to foster Halloween fun, connection and getting to know yourself a bit

WHEN: Wednesday October 25 from 4-6pm

WHO: ADULTS 18+ - We invite all Our lovely, cool, weird TSC clients AND any other “weirdos” in the Sherman community looking for authenticity, connection, and acceptance.

COST: $10 Ticket and includes everything to have a weirdly good time - we will provide popcorn treats, and vibes.

Join us Wednesday October 25 from 4pm-6pm to celebrate Halloween, and embrace the weird as a strength and a tool for promoting peace and leave feeling more connected!

Event Hosted by Jamie Campos, Student Counselor


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