Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Wanna have your cake and eat it too?…well keep reading. 🍰✨

Diets Don’t Work. 🚫🥗

Sure you will lose weight. You feel great. You are excited. Your friends and family ask what you did to lose weight. You feel proud. Then life happens. You get stressed, worried, overwhelmed, and something bad happens. So you start eating “bad” food. The “bad” food feels GOOD so you keep eating it.

Now you feel ashamed and embarrassed.

You feel like you have done something wrong. You gain weight. Now you feel even more ashamed and embarrassed. So you start another diet. Again you lose weight. But now the cycle has started again.

You yo-yo up and down with your weight.

You lose, you gain, you lose, and then you gain some more. Each time it’s harder to diet and even harder to lose weight. Now you feel like a bigger failure and loser. You feel there is something inherently wrong with you that you cannot stick to a diet. Each time you eat you feel insecure and full of self-doubt. You forget how to eat and enjoy food, because now each bite causes uncertainty. Is it right or is it wrong? Will this make me fat? You forget how to take care of your most basic human need, eating.

Break Free from the Dieting Trap 🐭🚪

Imagine discovering your struggle is not because you are a failure but because you are in a dieting rat trap!

Your confusion, frustration, and self-doubt with eating is because diets convinced you what’s wrong and right about food choices. You feel ashamed because some diet told you were wrong. But that diet does not know YOU. It does not know your body and what it needs. Your body changes every single day, what it needed today, it may not need tomorrow. You are OK.

Diets Force Your Body 📏

Diets become a way to FORCE your body into looking a certain way.

Diets cause you to believe this forced body image is healthy and beneficial to you. However the more you avoid certain foods, the more the body craves them. Your body knows what it needs to best protect you, nurture you, and house your soul. But because of dieting you have learned to shut off your body’s cues.

Start Listening to Your Body 🧘‍♀️👂

It is time to start listening to your body.

You can eat food to nourish your body, while listening to what your body wants and needs:

– eating for health,

– pleasure,

– and life.

It’s time to ditch the cycle of dieting and gain control of your body once and for all.

Love Your Body ❤️

Learn to love your body.

At TSC we do not support weight loss or dieting. You have been dieting for a long time. You are over the endless dieting cycle. Rather than start another diet, you can learn to accept yourself and be proud of yourself today. You can learn to eat what you want, but also eat what is helpful for you and your body. Intuitive eating is about learning to pay attention to YOU. It is about learning what you like, what you want, what you need, and accepting your body. When you can learn to love yourself and pay attention to yourself you will learn how to eat for health.

Let’s practice some intuitive eating today. How do you plan to enjoy nourishing your body?


What To Do When You Have A Bad Body Image Day