Silence The Bully In Your Head
Confronting the Eating Disorder Voice: Strategies for Empowerment
Having an eating disorder can make you feel a little crazy – or maybe a lot crazy! When you have an eating disorder you have this very critical, judgmental, rude, and mean voice in your head that
constantly reminds you of your food rules
causes you to question food
makes you doubt your body
makes you hate and doubt yourself
makes you feel miserable.
You wish you could make these thoughts stop. You wish you could ignore the thoughts, or at least silence them. Well in today’s video I share 4 things you can to do to challenge the eating disorder voice. I also share one of my favorite skills for challenging eating disorder thinking.
When you have an eating disorder it's like you are constantly waging war...with your mind. You fight hard to ignore, silence, and fight the eating disorder voice in your head telling you: - all the ways food is wrong - all the ways your body is wrong - all the ways you are wrong - all the ways you have screwed up and messed up It's exhausting to listen and fight these thoughts all day long.
In today's video I tell you 4 things you can do today to help you challenge the eating disorder voice in your head. I also share one of my favorite skills to help you fight the bully in your mind. Enjoy! If you find this video helpful give it a thumbs up! Then subscribe and share this video if you think it would be helpful for someone.
And if you haven't yet, join my FREE Facebook Community: Unfxck Your Body Image: For Those In Eating Disorder Recovery. In this group I provide weekly trainings AND its full of other amazing warriors. I hope you'll join us!