My Wish For You into the New Year
Take on a Holistic Self-Care Life: Integrate Mental Health Priorities into Daily Intentions that don’t involve body talk
New Years Resolution season is upon us and there is a lot of hype and pressure out there to try to diet and lose weight.
If you are in recovery from an eating disorder, struggling with your eating disorder, or just trying to learn to love yourself better dieting and weight loss is NOT going to help you.
In fact we are learning that weight loss causes greater body dissatisfaction, food obsession, anxiety, and depression. It is OK if you are dieting and wanting to lose weight…I get it. So many of my clients have dieted, are dieting, or are considering diets.
Plus… I used to be the diet queen. I tried them all. But maybe this year instead of working to change your body to change your life, consider how you can change your life without changing your body…
If you are ready to learn how you can change your life without changing your body, let’s chat.
I recorded this video below a few years ago, but I think it’s still true when looking ahead to the New Year.