Dive Deep into our
Mental Health Blog
In the TSC Blog, we cover a myriad of tips, tricks, and developmental tools for you and your mental health; there’s a wellspring of topics, go ahead, give it a search!
Empowering Female Veterans: Why Counseling Matters
Explore the invaluable role of counseling in supporting female veterans as they navigate the unique challenges of transitioning to civilian life, healing from trauma, and fostering resilience. Discover why counseling is a vital resource for promoting well-being and empowerment in post-military life
Improve Your Body Image
Discover six actionable steps to cultivate a positive body image and embrace self-love. Learn how to navigate relationships, practice self-compassion, and seek support on your journey to holistic well-being.
Self-Care S.U.C.C.E.S.S. - Sunlight, Understanding, Clarity, Compassion, Exercise, Socialize, Sleep
Discover the profound impact of outdoor activities on mental health. From reducing stress to fostering mindfulness, explore the therapeutic benefits of connecting with nature in our fast-paced world.
Everyday Wellness: The Power of Daily Self-Care
Our student-counselor, May Chinn, teaches us why daily wellness activities are more accessible than traditional self-care days and how simple practices like mindfulness breaks and healthy snacks can make a significant difference in your day-to-day life.
Dealing With Comparison
Discover actionable steps to reduce comparison tendencies, including eliminating triggering social media accounts and shifting focus to personal strengths and accomplishments.
How Can I Love Myself When That Is The Last Thing I Want To Do
Is This Normal? Am I Dying? Or Is This Anxiety?
Navigating Existential Dread: Acknowledging Fear in a Changing World
Embark on a journey of navigating existential dread together. Discover therapeutic strategies and coping mechanisms to face the fear and uncertainty with resilience.